Gen-Tec - TR3 Post Workout Recovery

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GEN-TEC NUTRITION’S “TR3” (Total Recovery Phase 3) is an advanced post workout recovery formula designed for bodybuilders, fitness competitors and strength training athletes with a goal of improved recovery, increased strength and lean muscle mass.

PROTEINS: TR3 contains the world’s fastest digesting proteins of free form amino acids, Di and Tri peptide’s (hydrolised WPI) and WPI for a fast and direct replenishment of the body’s amino acid pool to create a positive nitrogen balance.

CARBOHYDRATES: Gen-Tec’s sustained release carbohydrate blend of 85% maltodextrin, 10% fructose and 5% dextrose monohydrate is a tried and tested formula to support maximum glycogen replenishment and create the crucial anabolic drive post exercise. Chromium picolinate has been added to support insulin sensitivity thereby enhancing the anabolic (muscle building) effect.

TEAM GEN-TEC athletes who train intensely have demanded the following areas of advanced recovery. TR3 is fortified with the following ingredients:

  • Creatine phosphate replenishment: Creapure® creatine monohydrate
  • Inflamation and connective tissue recovery: L-Proline and Bromelain
  • Oxidative stress: Anti-oxidants vitamin C and E
  • Immune support: Vitamin C, E and Optipure™ glutamine
  • Soft tissue recovery: Zinc, Magnesium and Vitamin B6
  • Assist post exercise cramping and calming effect: Magnesium and L-Tryptophan
  • Nutrient delivery/vasodilation: Arginine AKG and L-Lysine
  • Consuming TR3 immediately after exercise supplies the body with all of the essential nutrients at this crucial time to maximize your recovery and create the ultimate anabolic drive.

SUGGESTED USE: Mix 80g (2 rounded scoops) in 400mL of water and consume immediately after exercise. Store in a cool, dark place.